Monday, December 16, 2013

Slow Sand Filters for Leyte??

The recent typhoon carnage in the Philippines was a replay for me of the earthquake in Haiti. Once again, the ensuing chaos resulted in an international effort to rush much needed food, water, and shelter into an area devastated. Once again, I have urged getting community sized slow sand filters placed into remoter areas so that not only would people have water for the next days or weeks, but for years to come after the disaster relief efforts have waned.
This time was different though from Haiti in several important ways.

  • For several years, Blue Future has supplied 1800 gpd filters to Mindanao. This has resulted in not only awareness of these systems there, but also a group of people who understand how they work and how to install them.
  • Blue Future has an excellent partner in Manilla who can supply the filters, loaded with media, and delivered ready to go to villages in need, virtually anywhere in the Philippines.
With these human and logistical elements in place, there is the capacity to get dozens of these water treatment solutions to those in need, not just for today, but for years to come of safe water availability.

We can get 20 filters, delivering 5 gallons per day per person, for over 6,000 people for $26,000. But, as is always the case, we need organizations to step forward and take on this initiative. If your organization wants to make a long term difference for the people of the Philippines now, please get in touch to discuss.